The club company
About Us
a premium collection of country clubs
The Club Company is a premium collection of 17 country clubs - the majority located in central and southern England. A range of premium facilities are on offer to members and visitors centred around wellbeing: including championship standard golf courses, modern health and fitness facilities, swimming, tennis courts, bars, eateries and hotel accommodation.
Our mission is to unquestionably be the UK’s premier collection of country clubs, helping members and visitors improve their wellbeing through its beautiful locations, exceptional facilities and friendly and welcoming environments.
Discover your you place at our clubs
Club Members
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Team Members
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Country clubs
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Stunning hotels
Recent successes
We’re constantly innovating to make sure we offer outstanding facilities and services to our members and customers.
Gym Refurbishments
Beautiful New Refits
Full health club refurbishments took place at Witney Lakes and The Club at Mapledurham this summer to bring members an improved layout and the latest Technogym equipment, offering the very best technology in cardio, strength and conditioning for a holistic wellness experience.
Wellbeing Check
We’re proud to be the first collection of country clubs to introduce the Wellbeing Check, powered by Technogym. The system uses advanced measurement technology and AI to provide accurate information based on physical and cognitive conditions, converging into a Wellness Age™ — a simple yet powerful metric that's easy to compare to real age, providing a clear gauge of progress.
Brand-New Membership
Strike Nine Membership
For just £69 per month, Strike Shack visitors can now enjoy a membership which gives them unlimited access to each club’s 9-hole golf course, 100 balls per day at the driving range, 10% discount on food & drink, hotel stays, shopping & more, plus a discount on 18-hole green fees.
Padel Tennis
We welcomed the fastest growing racket sport, padel tennis, to three clubs in 2024. Padel tennis is an easy sport to master and is accessible for a broad range of ages, abilities and fitness levels, making for a great addition to our country club offerings. Courts can be booked by both members and non-members, with members receiving an introductory 50% discount on court fees.
HYBR1D Classes
HYBR1D gym floor classes launched in clubs this autumn as a new style of gym floor class combining cardio and strength training to give members a balanced workout. Available for all fitness levels, HYBR1D is an Event Challenge which combines cardiovascular and strength-based functional exercises. Every 16-18 weeks a new goal is set (known as the Event).
The Warwickshire, Castle Royle and Nizels welcomed brand-new FloatFit classes to their timetable in the form of FloatFit. FloatFit combines a low impact Aqua class with the cardio boost of HIIT or the core stability of a Pilates class for a dynamic yet low impact workout on water to build fitness, strength and balance. Members can choose between Float Fit HIIT and FloatFit Balance to find their perfect water-based workout.
Strike Shack
Nine Strike Shack driving ranges have now opened across our clubs. Whether you bring the family down, chill out with friends or simply want to hone your skills and play golf like a pro, we’ve got the games for you. Follow your shots as they fly, and you could be flying too – up our Strike Shack leader board.
Strike Shack